Wednesday, September 29, 2010


being a Mommy can be hard.
When you're sick and your baby has been screaming for the better part of the last five hours, being a Mommy is hard.
When you're fighting hard to keep nursing because its cheaper, nutritionally better, and you like having one thing no one else can do for your baby, but your baby thinks that bottle he gets while your at work is easier than breast, being a Mommy is hard.
It's said that the night is always darkest before the dawn. So in those moments of shrieking when I'm ready to cry too, I guess I should look forward to the sweet moments, as he finally drifts off to sleep and gives me that gorgeous smile I love and fingers the collar of my shirt, to remind me that in my arms is his favorite place to be. But sometimes, all I can see is the darkness. Being a Mommy is hard.