Friday, December 10, 2010

be honest

I think honesty really is the best policy. Be honest with those around you and tell the truth (obviously tact is necessary).

Be confident in who you are and when you are asked a question, be HONEST. Have "Fierce Conversations" as an awesome lady I know puts it. 
It is ok to have confrontation conversations about real issues. Have fierce conversations with your husband, sister, mother, coworker, etc. When planning a fierce conversation, it is best to map out your thoughts in advance and get all the emotion out on paper. Then, ask the person you have conflict with to sit down with you for a chat. Be clear and concise, and use feeling words: "it hurts my feelings when you say..." or "I get frustrated when..." Then, give the other person time to formulate thoughts and respond. As difficult as it can be, try to maintain a level head, be respectful, and do not escalate to a screaming match.
Even when you're upset and frustrated, it is best when your frustrations are expressed respectfully and with love.

Next time your hubby asks you what's wrong, instead of saying "fine" while smoke comes out your ears, try "well, I'm Upset/frustrated/sad/hurt because...."

Trust me, I know how difficult this can all be. It's a lot easier to mutter profanities under your breath than tell the truth and get it out of your system but telling the truth and clearing the air is a lot less stress inducing. So, be honest and have fierce conversations.