I've got a special request today: a friend and really amazing woman I know, Angie, needs our help with some research in support of boobs and babies!
As a mother who has donated milk to other babies, and as a lactation counselor who has helped mothers find donors for their babies, this topic is near and dear to my heart.
Angie is making every effort to increase knowledge and evidence based practices.
PLEASE take a moment to read the following info and fill out Angie's survey.
Don't forget to share with your friends nationwide!
Much Love!
Exploration of the Nature of Private Arrangement Breast Milk Sharing
Gentle Families! Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation researcher Angie Bond is conducting research to describe the milk sharing community and milk sharing practices of donors and recipients facilitated through social media. This research involves about 15 minutes of your time, consists of a one-time online survey through Survey Monkey. The results will be used to inform researchers, medical providers, and lactation professionals about the practices of milk sharing and to focus future efforts on providing support for families who choose to share milk privately. Results will be analyzed and made available to participating milk sharing networks.
Participation helps to build support for choices! https://www.surveymonky.com/s/ASU_Milk_Sharing
Research FAQ’s
Q.What is it you are researching?
A. We are exploring the nature of the relationships involved in private arrangement sharing of breast milk. We hope to better understand why families choose to share milk. We want to be able to describe the things families feel are important about one another in making a private arrangement to share milk.
Q. How will the research be conducted?
A. The research survey is an anonymous, and completed at the SurveyMonkey link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ASU_Milk_Sharing The link takes those who wish to participate to the survey. It should take about 15 minutes to complete. Questions are about milk sharing experiences and general information about the survey taker.
Q. How will this research be used?
A. Final results will be released to the participating milk sharing networks to share with their users. The aggregated (the whole group of data) results will be presented at a research and professional conference next summer, and published soon after.
Q. Why do this research?
A. A member of the research team has been a donor through Eats On Feets and through the Denver Milk Bank. She has worked with many families and professionals who are interested in milk sharing. Families and professionals want evidence based information to help in the decision making process. This is the beginning of developing that base of evidence, while respecting the dignity and the intimacy of the decisions which go into choosing milk sharing.
Q. What other research will be done?
A. By starting from scratch and going straight to those who are participating in milk sharing, a foundation for discussing the actual challenges and benefits as they exist begins. Using this foundation, we will be able to identify the areas in most immediate need of explanation to help families, lactation professionals, and medical providers the information necessary to help families make evidence based decisions about milk sharing.