Wednesday, May 1, 2013

gossip and goals

Last night, I had the pleasure of spending several hours with a dozen or two women who were complete strangers aside from one woman, who I absolutely adore, that was coordinating the event.

We were crafting.

It could have been so easy to not speak much with those around me or to judge and be critical of what they were wearing or making or any other number of things like what happens when a group of women get together any where. Be it work, social events, play groups, PTA meetings, Facebook mommy groups, or even church, women have a tendency to judge or talk smack.

It makes me sad.

Having been raised with only brothers who loved and protected me, I entered high school, and then corporate America, unprepared for these things. It was a rude awakening for my already damaged self image. Still, I managed to find a friend or two who loved me for who I was.

It only worsened when I left the traditional work force to go to cosmetology school. THAT is a whole different breed of gossipmongering. And, unsurprisingly, the scandals escalated when I worked at a dept. store make up counter as a make up artist and wax specialist. Throw a few Queens into the mix of women and things just may become over the top and outrageous. ;)

I was relieved when I changed jobs; even though it was still an establishment filled entirely of women, my coworkers and I managed to make real and lasting friendships that were not based on meaningless prattle and gossip.

I was raised not to be a pot stirrer and that if we have an issue with someone, it's best to address them directly. More now than ever, I strive to live by that. And so, it was so refreshing and wonderful to spend an evening with women who wanted to strike up friendly, judgement free, conversation with those who sat next to them. There was none of the typical cattiness that comes with a gathering of women, only compliments, laughter, crafts, and the camaraderie of extraordinary women.

I left the event with several new friends and a greater appreciation for the divine sisterhood of women. When we choose to leave the gossip and drama out, amazing and beautiful things happen. I have a profound love for the women I spent the evening with even though I've already forgotten many of their names. It IS possible to have a great time with strangers and make friends in unexpected places.

So that's my goal for the month of May:

           I will strive to judge and gossip less.   

          I will try to make a new friend whenever possible.

What are YOUR goals for May??